
Anvil Centre - ROOM 413




10:45 AM

About This Session

You’ve Heard a lot about ChatGPT & AI, but… What can it do and why does it matter? Get ChatGPT working for you!

AI tools like ChatGPT aren’t just buzz – yet, it seems like very few in our industry are actually using them effectively! We’ll cover real examples of how we’re using AI today at Fieldhouse, introduce a few easy-to-use AI tools, and discuss common challenges. Whether you’re new to AI or have some experience, this talk will help you understand what AI can (and can’t) do for your business.

  1. What’s possible? A few real examples
  2. A few specific tools that people should be aware of and using today
  3. Common challenges with AI
  4. Tips to improve how you’re using it


Joshua Vanderheide

Founder, Field House Brewing and GOOD BRGR + BEER Co

Tyler Frans

CEO, Sense and Motion