United Royal Solutions Inc

United Royal Solutions Inc

United Royal specializes in providing comprehensive packaging, printing, and labeling solutions to the beverage industry. With a focus on load-securing concepts, packaging materials, machinery, and cutting-edge printing technology, we engineer effective proposals for all beverages, especially for Beer and Cider.

We are proud to provide and support our customers with more than two decades of experience and knowledge to achieve Stunning, Safe, Environment-Friendly, Innovative, and Turkney packaging solutions for the beverage industry.

We continuously develop and are committed to the printing industry to be the most efficient and have total solutions in printing to bring value and convenience to your customers, we are using the most advanced technology printing to bring your label alive, and our team with passion who care about your business and development. Find out more about us to begin a high-tech journey we are a complete solutions partner and deliver long and mutually rewarding relationships with values of consistency, accountability, respect, and sustainability.


  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum lids
  • caps and closures


  • Sealing equipment
  • Sorting hopper
  • Cap Chute
  • Sealing Heads
  • Manual Cappers
  • Spare Parts

LOCATION: 117-828 Harbourside Dr., North Vancouver, BC, V7P 3R9

OUR CONTACT: Vahid Amiripour
EMAIL: ac.layordetinuobfsctd@ofnI
PHONE: 604.770.0880

Website ( United Royal Solutions)