ABLE BC (Alliance of Beverage Licensees)

ABLE BC (Alliance of Beverage Licensees)

About Us

The Alliance of Beverage Licensees (ABLE BC) is the voice of British Columbia’s bars, pubs, and private liquor and cannabis stores. A non-profit organization funded by membership dues, our mission is to help your liquor or cannabis business succeed. On behalf of our 1,000 members, we work with all levels of government to create business-friendly policies and enhance private sector opportunities.


  • A leading advocate for BC’s cannabis retail and private liquor industries and your voice to the government
  • Work with the government to create business-friendly policies and enhance private-sector opportunities
  • Help you resolve issues with the LDB and other industry suppliers
  • Negotiate industry-leading benefit programs that save you time and money
  • Provide liquor and cannabis policy and government relations expertise
  • Your one-stop shop for the urgent industry information you need to run your business


The Quarterly Pour is the BC liquor industry’s source of trends and leading-edge news. The publication is the official magazine of ABLE BC, distributed quarterly to every licensee in the province. For advertising opportunities in The Quarterly Pour, please download the 2024 Media Kit.

LOCATION: 200 – 948 Howe St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9

For more information and updates:

Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter